Monday, July 8, 2013

Despicable Me 2

We are all painfully aware that a series starts to lose its touch after the first movie is out. Though I had always manged to see my way to see the sequels. If for nothing else than to placate my morbid curiosity.

this weekend I had the pleasure of taking my nephew and my cousin to see Despicable Me 2. Was I scared it wasn't going to be a good? Of course I was. Anyone who subjecting themselves to The Matrix Reloaded would be.

Was I pleasantly surprised? Oh hell yeah! Despicable Me 2 more than lived up to the promise of its predecessor. This movie managed to incorporate every cast member without making the movie seem cluttered.

If the Minions did not receive Oscars for their performance in this film I will shun Hollywood for three weeks.

Some parts were predictable like the addition of Lucy to the film, we could all see where that was going, and I find myself convinced that he filmmakers wanted that to be the case. I mean after all predicable can still be surprising. They weren't trying to reinvent the wheel like so many of their squeal compatriots. They simple set out to make a great film.

I say bravo!!

5 out of 5 stars